Registration for

  • Low Carbon Societies Database, online
  • Email lists, to receive news from the network and project
  • Interactive Email List, an email list to discuss scenarios and strategies to phase out fossil fuels
Choose your participation in database, email lists etc. at the bottom of the registration page

Are you already registered ?
Go to Update your Profile or
Mailing List Setup & Archive

If you are in the INFORSE Database, a confirmation-email will be sent
to the supplied email-address.

The Project is ended in 2012,
but the collection of scenarios
is continued being updated:

Check out the New European
CLEVER Scenario, June 2023:

Regional Scenarios

National Scenarios

Global Scenarios

News from Project (2009-12)

•  March 15, 2012
Paris, France
Final Conference

• Newsletter No.9, March 2012March, 2012
Newsletter # 9