PROCEEDINGS: Low Carbon Societies Network at EUSEW 2011 Conference - April 14, 2011
100 % Renewables and Low-Carbon Scenarios in Europe by 2050.
Comparison, Development, Driving Forces, Barriers.
Stakeholder Dialogue Experiences from Germany and France.
Venue: Charlemagne Building, Brussels, Belgium
Date: April 14, 2011, 14.30-18.30
Session 1: 100% Renewables Scenarios and other Low-Carbon Scenarios
Moderator: Jan Burck, Germanwatch
1. Introduction to Seminar and Low Carbon Societies Network Project
by Meike Fink, Climate Action Network – France (RAC-France), FP7 Project leader
pdf file 1.1 MB
2. 100% Renewables and Low-Carbon Scenarios in Europe - a Comparison
by Gunnar Boye Olesen, International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE-Europe)
pdf file 1.1 MB
3. Low-Carbon Scenarios for Germany and France made with Advanced, Macroeconomic Models: different problems, different solutions
by Eva Schmid, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) (to the right) and
Ruben Bibas, Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement (CIRED), Paris
pdf file 1.4 MB |
Session 2: Stakeholder Involvements in Scenario Building
Moderator: Rebecca Collyer, European Climate Foundation
1. Stakeholder Involvement in Development of Scenarios for Transitions to Low-Carbon / 100% Renewables Societies. How to Involve Stakeholders?
- Obstacles and success criteria, will scenario methodology limit the choice of stakeholders, coalition building,stakeholder involvement during the elaboration of scenarios
by Meike Fink and Stéphane La Branche Planet, Energy, Climate Change Institute of Political Studies, Grenoble
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Debate: Post-Fukushima in France
by Meike Fink, RAC-France
pdf file 200 kB
German Debate after Fukushima
by Jan Burck, Germanwatch
pdf file 800 kB |
2. Panel Debate: Involving Stakeholders in the Transition to Low-Carbon Societies - the Way Ahead?
- What is the added value of involving many stakeholders? Good and bad experiences. What kinds of stakeholder dialogues should be part of the coming transition to low-carbon societies?
Moderator: Rebecca Collyer, European Climate Foundation
by Chris Church, specialist on environment, social and community development,
pdf file 600 kB
by Georges Mercadal, former vice president of the French CNDP - National Commission of Public Debate,
pdf file 100 kB
by Jan Burck, Germanwatch, and
by Myriam Boveda, Energies Demain,
pdf file 400 kB
Panel Discussion
Summary pdf file 125 kB |
Program 150 kB
The Participation was Free
Registration was necessary.
Event Program: EUSEW 2011
The Project is ended in 2012,
but the collection of scenarios
is continued being updated:
Check out the New European
CLEVER Scenario, June 2023:
• Regional Scenarios
• National Scenarios
• Global Scenarios
News from Project (2009-12)
• March 15, 2012
Paris, France
Final Conference
• March, 2012
Newsletter # 9